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Saturday, March 1, 2008

Nursing-Education Journal Gives Thumbs Up to Online Doctorates

An article in the latest issue of Nursing Education Perspectives paints a promising picture of online doctoral programs in nursing.
The authors of “Twenty-First Century Doctoral Education: Online With a Focus on Nursing Education” used a matrix of learning benchmarks established by the Higher Learning Commission and the Institute for Higher Education Policy to evaluate the online doctoral program at the University of Northern Colorado.
They found that Ph.D. students in the online program felt their studies were rigorous and academically challenging, had ample opportunity to collaborate with other students on research and form meaningful mentor relationships with faculty members through frequent e-mail and chat-room contact, and were inspired to incorporate new learning concepts into their workplaces.
Online doctoral-degree programs, which broaden access to high-quality Ph.D. programs and allow nursing instructors to pursue further study alongside full- or part-time employment, may be instrumental in stemming the shortage of Ph.D.-prepared nurse educators, the authors suggest. —Paula Wasley

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