Web or Blog

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Politics & Government

  • Daily Kos Markos Moulitsas Zuniga. One of the best-known liberal blogs.
  • Talking Points Memo Joshua Micah Marshall. Widely read liberal blog from a contributor to Washington Monthly and The Hill.
  • MyDD Jerome Armstrong and Chris Bowers.
  • Eschaton Atrios, aka Duncan Black. "Proud member of the reality-based community."
  • AmericaBlog John Aravosis. Politics from the left; one of the key sources of info in the Gannon/Guckert affair.
  • Crooks and Liars and politics, with a liberal slant. And a great collection of video clips.
  • Daily Dish Andrew Sullivan on conservative, religious and gay issues. (He tried to stop but couldn't.)
  • InstaPundit Glenn Reynolds. One of the best-known conservative blogs.
  • Kausfiles Mickey Kaus's mostly political blog on Slate
  • Little Green Footballs
  • Power Line One of the more widely read blogs from the right.
  • Iraqi Bloggers Central Good collection of links to Iraqi bloggers.
  • Mystery Pollster Mark Blumenthal's intelligent analysis of polls and polling.
  • Wonkette Washington gossip (also from the Gawker empire).
  • Global Voices gathers some interesting views from blogs around the world.
  • ScotusBlog and the related Supreme Court Nomination Blog are keeping a close watch on the proceedings in the court.
  • Also see Traditional Media, below

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