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Friday, November 21, 2008

YouTube's Identity

YouTube gets chummy with MGM ... Circuit City goes belly up ... IBM pitches power line Internet plan ... bad guys hold prescription customer data for ransom ... CNN tries holo-trickery ... iPhone unseats Razr at the top, and more.

Now you can get your fix of "Bulletproof Monk" and "American Gladiators" -- all without leaving the comfort of YouTube . Yes, the king of user-generated, short-form video is now embracing the other kind: studio-generated, feature-length films.

Yes, this is the same YouTube that said long-form video was anathema to its business model. But I guess when the big MGM lion comes roaring, you make an exception. Some of the stuff that MGM will be contributing belongs on the who-cares list: dusty, old movies that never did well in the theaters or on DVD, such as the aforementioned "Bulletproof Monk." You'll also get to see episodes from the original late-'80s/early-'90s fixture "American Gladiators" -- the original, not that new copycat thing that's out there now.

In return, YouTube has promised to help out MGM a bit -- by employing video fingerprinting technology that identifies unauthorized copies of MGM's content, which it will promptly remove. Once again, you can only watch what the big lion says you can watch, and all is right in the world.

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